Consultant Chiropractor
Dr George Hardas Spine Expert
Ph: 9553 9944
Suffer from: Neck & Shoulder pain, Headaches, Back pain or Disc injuries, Knee Pain Carpal Tunnel.
Dr. George Hardas
MMed MScMed MChiro BSc
Graduate Certificate Pain Management
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Relief Designed for You. Move, Bend and Live without Limits!

About Dr. George Hardas
Your local pain relief specialist
Dr George Hardas has attained 6 levels of tertiary qualifications from
Australia's’ leading Universities providing the best level of care to his patients:
Macquarie University-Department of Chiropractic
Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique-USA
Pain Management Research Institute-Royal North Shore Hospital.
The Pain Management Research Institute (PMRI) is joint initiative between the Discipline of Pain Medicine at the University of Sydney and Royal North Shore Hospital.
It is a division of the Kolling Institute of Medical Research and recognised as world leaders, as well, by the NSW Ministry of Health as the lead centre for pain research and education in NSW.
It involves multidisciplinary research, teaching and clinical activities aim to improve the treatment of all forms of severe pain.
​Having undergone 10 years of medical research with Orthopedic Research Institute at St George Hospital.
Spine Research Published
In the medical journal "Spine"
Dr Hardas is one of the very few chiropractors to have his research accepted and,
published in the medical journal ‘Spine’.
Recognized internationally as the leading journal in its field. ‘Spine’ is an international, peer-reviewed, bi-weekly periodical that considers for publication original articles in the field of ‘Spine’. It is the leading subspecialty journal for the treatment of spinal disorders.
Only original papers are considered for publication with the understanding that they are contributed solely to ‘Spine’ see-RCT Spine Volume 43 2018 final submission.
The Journal does not publish articles reporting material that has been reported at length elsewhere