<![CDATA[Pain Assist]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/blogRSS for NodeFri, 07 Feb 2025 11:04:57 GMT<![CDATA[Channel 9]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/channel-9663f2bd3ee1739f220f6c237Sat, 11 May 2024 08:32:49 GMTGeorge HardasSee an interview I had with Eddy Meyer-Channel 9.

<![CDATA[Headaches in Young People: Causes and Prevention Techniques]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/headaches-in-young-people-causes-and-prevention-techniques646dc7577691fceb25b14f62Wed, 24 May 2023 08:17:44 GMTGeorge Hardas

InterPlexus. (2022). Magnesium for Migraine Prevention (Photograph). InterPlexus Whole Body Health. https://interplexus.com/blogs/news/magnesium-for-migraine-prevention


Headaches are a common health issue that affects people of all ages, including young individuals. While headaches can have various causes, they often arise due to lifestyle factors and external triggers. This article aims to shed light on the causes of headaches in young people and provide effective strategies to prevent them. By understanding the underlying causes and implementing preventive measures, individuals can take control of their well-being and enjoy a headache-free life.

Common Causes of Headaches in Young People:

1. Stress and Anxiety: Young people experience various stressors, such as academic pressures, social expectations, and family issues. Stress and anxiety can lead to tension headaches, which are characterized by a dull, persistent pain around the head.

2. Poor Posture and Sedentary Lifestyle: With the increasing use of technology, young individuals often spend long hours sitting in front of screens. Poor posture and lack of physical activity can contribute to muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, triggering headaches.

3. Dehydration: Inadequate fluid intake is a prevalent issue among young people. Dehydration can cause headaches as it affects the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

4. Irregular Sleeping Patterns: Erratic sleep schedules, insufficient sleep, or poor sleep quality can disrupt the body's natural rhythm and contribute to headaches in young individuals.

Prevention Techniques for Headaches in Young People:

1. Stress Management: Encouraging young people to adopt stress management techniques can significantly reduce headaches. Techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, and engaging in hobbies or activities they enjoy can help alleviate stress and anxiety.

2. Maintaining Proper Posture: Educating young individuals about the importance of maintaining good posture and ergonomics is crucial. Encourage them to sit up straight, keep their shoulders relaxed, and take frequent breaks from prolonged sitting or screen time.

3. Regular Exercise: Engaging in physical activity regularly can help prevent headaches by reducing muscle tension and promoting better blood circulation. Encourage young people to participate in activities such as swimming, jogging, yoga, or sports that they find enjoyable.

4. Hydration: Promote the importance of staying hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day. Encourage young people to carry a reusable water bottle and set reminders to ensure regular hydration.

5. Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits: Encourage young individuals to maintain a consistent sleep schedule and create a sleep-friendly environment. Limiting screen time before bed, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and ensuring a comfortable sleep environment can significantly improve sleep quality and prevent headaches.

6. Regular Chiropractic Care: Chiropractic care can provide effective relief for headaches and help prevent their recurrence. Consult with a qualified chiropractor who specializes in treating young individuals. Chiropractic adjustments and other manual therapies can help alleviate muscle tension, improve spinal alignment, and reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.


Headaches in young people can be disruptive and affect their overall well-being. By understanding the common causes and implementing prevention techniques, young individuals can significantly reduce the occurrence of headaches. Encourage them to adopt stress management techniques, maintain proper posture, engage in regular exercise, stay hydrated, establish healthy sleep habits, and consider regular chiropractic care. By taking a proactive approach to headache prevention, young people can enjoy a healthier, more vibrant life free from the burden of headaches.

The assessments and subsequent diagnosis and treatments conducted by Dr. Hardas are based on clinical research that he has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

<![CDATA[Back to School ]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/back-to-school645b2024659d2a1838db9232Fri, 12 May 2023 04:11:47 GMTGeorge Hardas

Ocarina. (2022). Back to school is a very important time: the experience of two teachers. (Image). Ocarina. https://www.ocarinaplayer.com/en/blog/back-to-school-is-a-very-important-time-the-experience-of-two-teachers/

As the school holidays head towards an end, many children are trading in their days of relaxation for scheduled classes. Whether or not children are looking forward to heading back to school, there is always a significant chance of them experiencing some form of strain, back pain or spinal episode. As a spinal expert here at Pain Assist, Dr George Hardas understands the concerns surrounding healthy backs in children. It is made evident that multiple instances of back pain experienced by children are a direct cause of, or aggravated by, carrying heavy schoolbags and poor posture.

In terms of schoolbag related risks for causing children back pain, it has been found that many children are carrying bags which are in between 10-30% of their own body weight, are carrying them over one shoulder only, and wearing them incorrectly fitted. What chiropractors highly recommend is that the backpack be carried on both shoulders to even out the weight and minimise the risk of strains and pain. Utilising the bags’ straps assist in ensuring the backpacks’ weight is close to the spine which allows for a reduced chance of muscle stress for the child.

Further, many school students have been seen sitting slumped over their desks for a prolonged period, placing them at a greater risk of experiencing discomfort in both their necks and backs. As any chiropractor would suggest, it is important that a child is seated at a desk which does not allow for them to constantly twist their backs, but allows for them to be seated upright and straight. When studying, it is recommended that the child does not lay on their front or their side on the floor, and when seated on a chair, it is recommended that their feet be able to touch the ground.

The assessments and subsequent diagnosis and treatments conducted by Dr. Hardas are based on clinical research that he has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

<![CDATA[95 Year Old Female – Neck Treatment]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/95-year-old-female-neck-treatment645215ab88ee752f7e745b25Fri, 05 May 2023 03:29:13 GMTGeorge Hardas

Tebby, A. (2018). Advanced Chiropractic Care for Treating Neck and Back Pain. (Image). Tebby Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic. https://www.tebbyclinic.com/advanced-chiropractic-care/

A Comprehensive Exploration of Neck Treatment for Enhanced Patient Outcomes


In the realm of contemporary healthcare, it is crucial to adopt an evidence-based approach to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients. This article delves into the case of a 95-year-old female patient who sought neck treatment due to her debilitating neck pain and inability to sleep comfortably. Through a meticulous analysis of her medical profile and a thorough examination, the patient was provided with an efficacious treatment plan, resulting in a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in her quality of life.

Patient Presentation and Medical Background

The patient in question, a nonagenarian female, presented with a chief complaint of a sore neck that precluded her from sleeping comfortably on either side. Her medical history included a hip replacement, and her current medications encompassed antihypertensives, heart medications, and anticoagulants.

Comprehensive Cervical Spine Assessment

A detailed cervical spine examination was conducted to determine the root cause of the patient’s neck pain. Lateral flexion on the left side elicited pain, while palpation of the left C2-C5 spinal segments also proved to be painful. Compression and distraction tests were deemed inapplicable for this case. Soft tissue palpation revealed increased muscle tone in the upper trapezius. The patient’s ambulation and Adam’s test demonstrated no abnormalities. Her pain was rated on the numerical pain rating scale, fluctuating between 5/10 and 8/10.

Expert Consultation and Evidenced-Based Approach

Dr. George Hardas, a distinguished chiropractic consultant, conducted the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the patient, drawing upon his extensive experience and knowledge acquired from reputable institutions such as the Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH), Pain Management Research Institute (PMRI), Orthopedic Research Institute – St George Hospital (ORI), as well as presentations to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), Sports Medicine Australia (SMA), and Chiropractic and Osteopathic College Australia (COCA).

Implementation of Chiropractic Treatment

Upon commencing chiropractic treatment, the patient experienced a remarkable improvement in her neck pain, with her numerical pain rating score diminishing from a high of 8/10 to a manageable 2/10.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Neck Treatment

The successful resolution of the patient’s neck pain and sleep issues serves as an exemplar of the potential multifaceted benefits that can be achieved through the proper administration of neck treatment. In addition to experiencing a significant decrease in pain levels, the patient reaped numerous other advantages that collectively contributed to an overall enhancement of her quality of life.

  1. Improved Sleep Quality: As a result of the effective neck treatment, the patient was able to achieve a comfortable sleeping position, which subsequently led to better sleep quality. Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, contributing to optimal cognitive function, emotional regulation, and immune system support.

  2. Increased Range of Motion: The alleviation of neck pain facilitated an increased range of motion for the patient. This improvement allowed her to perform daily tasks and engage in activities with greater ease, enhancing her autonomy and independence.

  3. Reduced Risk of Complications: By addressing the root cause of the patient’s neck pain, chiropractic treatment minimized the risk of potential complications, such as further musculoskeletal issues or the development of chronic pain.

  4. Enhanced Mental Well-being: The mitigation of the patient’s neck pain, coupled with improved sleep and increased autonomy, likely contributed to an enhancement of her mental well-being. Chronic pain can take a significant toll on an individual’s psychological state, exacerbating stress, anxiety, and depression.

  5. Promotion of Holistic Health: The patient’s journey to a pain-free state underscores the importance of a holistic approach to healthcare. By considering her entire medical history and employing evidence-based practices, the chiropractic treatment not only addressed her immediate concerns but also promoted her overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, the successful neck treatment administered to the patient, in this case, study not only alleviated her primary complaint of neck pain but also provided a myriad of additional benefits that contributed to an enhanced quality of life. This case serves as a powerful reminder of the potential positive impact that appropriate neck treatment can have on an individual’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.


This case study underscores the importance of adopting a highly educated, evidence-based approach to neck treatment for optimal patient outcomes. By conducting a thorough assessment, employing an expert consultant, and implementing an effective treatment plan, the patient experienced a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in her quality of life. The success of this case serves as a testament to the value of rigorous methodologies and the continuous pursuit of knowledge in the field of chiropractic care and neck treatment.

The assessments and subsequent diagnosis and treatments conducted by Dr. Hardas are based on clinical research that he has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

<![CDATA[Jaw Pain & Case Study Using Activator ]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/jaw-pain-case-study-using-activator644b621aa28822a78ab4386cFri, 28 Apr 2023 06:38:24 GMTGeorge Hardas

Trung Hau, Nguyen. (2021). How is temporomandibular joint disease treated? (image). VinMec International Hospital. https://www.vinmec.com/en/news/doctor-qa/how-is-temporomandibular-joint-disease-treated/.

The Temporomandibular joints (TMJs), or the jaw joints, are made up of the Temporal bone of the skull and the Mandible, or lower jaw. TMJ disorders involve ligaments, tendons, nerves, and blood vessels. The TMJs move when we chew, talk, or even swallow. They are probably the most used joint in the body.

Injury and tension can often cause these joints to become misaligned. Jaw/head/neck pain and chronic headaches are common with TMJ disorders.

The term "TMJ" or "TMD," also known as "temporomandibular joint dysfunction" or "TMJ disorder," refers to a variety of symptoms that develop when the jaw joint and the muscles that surround it are disturbed. About 20 to 30 percent of adults suffer from TMJ issues, which are more common in women and people in their 20s and 40s. It frequently refers to jaw pain and dysfunction that negatively impacts one's normal day-to-day activities.

Some common jaw pain cases can include:

  • Ear pain

  • Jaw pain

  • Temple / cheek pain

  • Jaw popping / clicking

  • Jaw dislocation

Case Study - Chiropractic treatment using chiropractic protocol developed by Activator Methods:


To determine if there was a basis for the treatment of Temporomandibular disease (TMD) using the chiropractic protocol developed by Activator Methods, International.


Private, solo practice of an Activator advanced proficiency rated chiropractor with 15 years’ experience.


Nine adult volunteers with articular TMD recruited from the practice of the treating clinician.

Main Outcome Measures:

Change from baseline to follow-up of Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain and maximum active mouth opening without pain.


Full spine and TMJ adjusting in accordance with the advanced protocol of Activator Methods, International. Participants were typically seen 3 times per week for 2 weeks and according to individual progress thereafter for 6 more weeks.

Results: Eight participants completed outcome assessments. The median VAS decrease was 45 mm (range 21-71); all experienced improvement. The median increase of mouth opening was 9 mm (range 1-15); all showed improvement.


The results of this prospective case series indicated that the TMD symptoms of these participants improved following a course of treatment using the Activator Methods International protocol. Consequently, further investigation of this type of chiropractic treatment for patients with the particular type of TMD is warranted. (1 Manipulative Physiol Ther 2003;26:421-5)

The assessments and subsequent diagnosis and treatments conducted by Dr. Hardas are based on clinical research that he has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

<![CDATA[The Activator - Chiropractic Tool ]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/the-activator-chiropractic-tool643f89362573cb51c88a2ba0Wed, 19 Apr 2023 07:12:26 GMTGeorge Hardas

RK Creative and Marketing. (2021). Activator Method (image). Greenlee Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic. https://www.greenleechiro.com/chiropractic-acupuncture-services/activator-method/.

Harris, B. (2021). Activator Technique (image). Falcon Health. https://www.falcon-health.com/post/activator-technique.

The Activator Method Technique is a gentle, low-force program of Chiropractic care. It has been safely used for nearly 40 years to benefit people with a wide range of health problems- neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatica, arthritis with subsequent pain relief without drugs or surgery.

In the late 1960's, this revolutionary Chiropractic technique was developed to improve safety and comfort for the Chiropractic patients. Since then, the technique has grown to be the most widely used "low force" Chiropractic technique in the world.

The Activator Technique incorporates the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological, and Chiropractic examinations along with a unique system of administering spinal adjustments.

The Activator is a spring-loaded device that is activated by compressing a handle on the shank of the instrument. It delivers a force to a rubber attachment which is connected to the end of a stylus. It is placed on the skin directly over an articulation (joint) that is to be adjusted (mobilised).

George M. Hardas has received extensive training in the Activator Technique. This method is also one of the most scientifically researched techniques in Chiropractic. Patients all over the world are benefiting from the ease and precision of this unique method of Chiropractic care.

The assessments and subsequent diagnosis and treatments conducted by Dr. Hardas are based on clinical research that he has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

<![CDATA[Children & Chiropractic Care]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/children-chiropractic-care63d9f6e190e5252474183017Wed, 01 Feb 2023 08:14:53 GMTGeorge Hardas

OSR. 2018. Children and Chiropractic. Photograph, https://oahuspineandrehab.com/children-and-chiropractic/.

We all know that childhood years are crucial to our development, and if problems are not resolved then we often carry them through life. It is not normal for children to have headaches, constant ear infections and allergies or growing pains, nor are they likely to grow out of them.

Spinal injury can begin from the forces and stresses of birth, especially if forceps or suction are used. Falls from prams and highchairs, tumbles down steps, constant bumps to the head and bottom whilst learning to walk, falls out of trampolines, sporting and car accidents all contribute to accumulated stress on the framework of a child’s body, contributing to damage and imbalance of spinal and other joints, ligaments, and muscles. Clinical experience, backed by an increasing amount of scientific research has shown that a wide variety of childhood problems may respond to Chiropractic treatment. These include:

  • Colic

  • Irritability

  • Ear infections

  • Learning difficulties

  • Headache

  • Visual problems

  • Recurrent throat infections

  • Digestive disorders

  • Scoliosis

  • Hyperactivity

The assessments and subsequent diagnosis and treatments conducted by Dr. Hardas are based on clinical research that he has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

<![CDATA[NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) ]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/ndis-national-disability-insurance-scheme631ac897ba18210221609345Fri, 09 Sep 2022 05:03:02 GMTGeorge Hardas

At our practice, we see many patients who struggle with a variety of musculoskeletal conditions that effect their mobility and wellbeing. This page will inform people about NDIS, Chiropractic, and funding for Chiropractic services through NDIS. Our practice aims to guide patients through the NDIS process, offering them advice and assistance so that funding for chiropractic treatment, services and management is available for them. Patients are required to formulate a form of treatment/plan so that NDIA can provide funds for them.

How to apply for NDIS:

1. If you are a NDIS member, let us know and we will start the process for your funding;


2. Call NDIS directly on “1800 800 110” and provide your details over the phone;


3. You can directly approach your GP to apply for NDIS and complete an Access Request Form;


4. Download the Access Request Form from the NDIS website and mail it directly to NDIS.

What we offer with NDIS:

1. Plan Managed – Yes

2. Self-Managed – Yes

Email: ingleburn@spinalcare.com.au for further enquiry

1. Plan Managed

Every person partaking in NDIS can request for assistance through a Plan Manager. The funds from your plan will not be used to pay your Plan Manager. Your Plan Manager’s aim is to act as an intermediate between you and NDIA. Your Plan Manager is to pay for all services and support selected by you. With assistance from your Plan Manager:

  • Using NDIS Registered providers will not be limited.

  • You will have the flexibility and freedom to choose your own providers, including NDIS unregistered providers.

  • You will need to follow NDIS price guide.

2. Self-Managed

Every person partaking in NDIS will have the opportunity to arrange a plan directly with NDIA to choose and pay for services and receive funding. With the Self-Managed plan:

  • You can use both NDIS registered and unregistered providers.

  • You are not tied to the NDIS fee schedule and pay for any services, regardless of amount of fees.

  • You will have the flexibility and freedom to choose your own providers, including NDIS unregistered providers.

More information can be found on the NDIS website at: https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/

<![CDATA[Missed danger 'another' cause of low back pain!]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/missed-danger-cause-of-low-back-pain623150ac03aeec166144e357Wed, 16 Mar 2022 02:55:36 GMTGeorge HardasOf the many causes of low back pain can be the danger of an 'Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm'. In basic terms this is when damage is caused the wall of the descending abdominal aorta as it abuts the lower section of the spine. Over time the aneurysm erodes the bone of the vertebrae as well as irritating associated innervated structures mimicking low back pain or even pain in the lower limb-leg. Further the aneurysm may burst causing internal abdominal bleeding and death. Unfortunately this condition can be missed even with scans......it needs meticulous diagnosis.

The white arrows below indicate 'Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm'

<![CDATA[We now offer contactless health insurance claims]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/we-now-offer-contactless-health-insurance-claims615fb90997a2920016919b13Fri, 08 Oct 2021 04:31:28 GMTGeorge Hardas

We now offer contactless health insurance claims. These claims are completed with an Apple Watch or iPhone and can be completed for patients who are members with nib, Bupa, Medibank, GU Health, and HBF.

This makes making your claim even more simple than before!

<![CDATA[How Chiropractic treatment saved a patient from surgery]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/how-chiropractic-treatment-saved-a-patient-from-surgery614d575c36ecad0016a76fd7Fri, 24 Sep 2021 04:45:17 GMTGeorge Hardas

When it comes to severe lower back pain sometimes surgery is an option, however, chiropractic treatment can in some cases be the key to solving this kind of pain and therefore can save patients from needing to undergo lengthy and expensive surgeries. In the below case, Dr George Hardas Consultant Chiropractor was able to do just that through his treatment for a patient who had been recommended surgery.

Patient Presentation

The patient presented was a 40 year old male who came to me with acute lower back pain, he was referred to a Neurosurgeon

MRI showed at L5/S1 there is a left paracentral broadbased extrusion. Bilateral moderate to severe foraminal narrowing is seen, with possible right sided nerve root contact and left contact/impingement. There is impingement of the descending left S1 nerve root with posterior displacement.

Medical profile

  • Medications

    • 200mg Palexia

    • 300mg Lyrica

    • 20mg Amitriptyline

    • 15mg Mobic

  • Lumbo-pelvic

    • 30° (L) leg

    • Extension – No abnormalities detected

    • Compression/Distraction – Not applicable

  • Ambulation – Antalgic

  • L4/S1 Ambulation – S1 no abnormalities detected and L4 no abnormalities detected

  • Adam’s – No abnormalities detected

  • Cough/Valsalva – No abnormalities detected

  • Slump Test (L) – Positive (L)

  • Numerical Pain Rating Score – 9/10

Neurosurgeon opinion

Advised the patient to have surgery and so the patient came to us for a second opinion

Presented with a history of left sided radicular pain which was controlled with analgesia and injection. Six months ago he had a reoccurrence of symptoms with pain now down the leg in the same distribution, in the back of the calf and is in agony. The pain is rated 9/10 on VAS and associated with numbness at the back of the calf. The patient has taken annual leave at work and I am unable to work in his current state. The pain is worse on sitting.

Impression: Left L5 radiculopathy with severe disability and weakness

Management Plan – A discussion regarding the natural history of disc prolapsed and that generally they do get better over time. Surgical management is considered when there are worsening symptoms accompanied by severe disability and/or neurological deficit. The goal of surgery is to shave it off and this has an 80%+ chance of improving his symptoms. The procedure wad describe in detail and the surgical video was shown. The risks include but are not limited to infection, bleeding, nerve root injury, dural tear, CSF leak, instability, recurrence of the disc (5%), DVT, PE, pneumonia, anesthetic risks, cardiac risks, stroke, death and other non specified risks. The patient had several insightful questions which were all answered to his satisfaction and consent obtained.

Second opinion from Dr George Hardas Consultant Chiropractor

The patient pursued chiropractic treatment to avoid surgery and came to Dr George Hardas Consultant Chiropractor and presented his condition. Dr Hardas has completed 6 levels of tertiary qualifications as well as 10 years of clinical research of the spine. This gave him the knowledge and ability to treat the patient, who as a result made a full recovery and completely avoided surgery.

The outcome for this patient was a full recovery of his presenting signs and symptoms by Dr George Hardas Consultant Chiropractor and a pain rating score of 0/10.

<![CDATA[Spine-Randomized Trial]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/spine-randomized-trial61333a352db80d0016e31280Sat, 04 Sep 2021 09:19:53 GMTGeorge Hardas

<![CDATA[Carpal Tunnel Syndrome]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/carpal-tunnel-syndrome5fd36df882212700172f0b51Wed, 04 Nov 2020 13:41:59 GMTGeorge HardasWhat is Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that can be classified as a ‘repetitive stress injury’ (RSI). This condition occurs when there is pressure on the median nerve, one of the major nerves to the hand. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist which protects the median nerve and flexor tendons that bend the fingers and thumb. When the tunnel becomes narrowed or tissues surrounding the tunnel swell, this puts pressure on the median nerve which is pressure sensitive.


Most cases can be caused by a combination of factors. These factors being:

  1. Repetitive motion/hand use

  2. Hand and wrist position

  3. Heredity

  4. Pregnancy

  5. Health conditions: diabetes, alcoholism, Vitamin B12 deficiency, tumors, other


  1. Pain or tingling – may travel up forearm to shoulder

  2. Occasional shock-like pain/sensations that sprawling to thumb and index, middle, and/or ring fingers

  3. Numbness, burning, tingling, pain in thumb, index, middle or ring fingers

  4. Weakness and clumsiness in hand – difficult to perform fine movements such as buttoning a shirt

  5. Dropping things due to weakness, numbness or not being aware of where your hand is in space (proprioception)


Physical examinations will be performed by our chiropractor, in conjunction with other examinations such as x-rays, ultrasounds or MRI scans, as well as nerve conduction tests.


Our chiropractor may use include chiropractic care of the wrist, arm, and upper spine (as misalignment in the spine can and does contribute to symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome). The use of ultrasound therapy to help reduce edema of the median nerve sheath and surrounding soft tissues.

Case Report

We had a 62 year old woman come in presenting in both hands Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. She first noticed that her right hand was numb and undertook blood tests and ultrasounds of the right wrist. Upon assessment, her first 3 digits on the right hand were numb. Her doctor gave her a referral for nerve conduction test. Her right hand was given Phalen’s test and resulted in a positive result for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. She began to notice the same symptoms in her left hand, but not as severe.

For her left hand, within 2 weeks her symptoms had totally ceased. Within 4 weeks of working with our chiropractor, she noticed a 75% improvement of her right hand digits. By 6 weeks, she had noticed a 90% improvement in her right hand.

#carpaltunnel #hand #pinsandneedles

<![CDATA[How sleep is affecting your weight.]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/how-sleep-is-affecting-your-weight5fd36dfa9c27f2001772d135Wed, 22 Jul 2020 17:19:39 GMTGeorge Hardas

Sleep, obesity and weight loss.

Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and in particular being able to maintain a healthy weight and achieving weight loss. Sleep deprivation and or having irregular sleep patterns are major factors in the cause of obesity.

How does sleep affect weight?

When we sleep many functions take place including:

Growth hormone release:

  1. Growth hormone is responsible for controlling body fat and muscle.

Production of leptin hormone:

  1. Leptin helps the body recognise when it is full.

Cortisol release:  

  1. Cortisol is the stress hormone, this hormone level lowers when we sleep. When awake for extended periods this hormone can cause our bodies to crave high calorie foods.

A distruption in these hormonal functions can hinder a weightloss plan, make it difficult to maintain a healthy weight and eventually contribute to the cause of obesity.

A lack of sleep also causes lower daytime energy levels making it difficult to keep active.

<![CDATA[Injured Disc]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/injured-disc5fd36dfc05f4cc0017aa166fTue, 21 Apr 2020 16:48:31 GMTGeorge HardasWhat is a Bulging Disc?

A bulging disc injury is a common injury occurring in the spine. It can occur in your lumbar spine (lower back), thoracic spine (upper and mid-back) or your cervical spine (neck).

A bulging disc can commonly be referred to as a slipped disc or a protruding disc. However, when the disc bulge is significant enough for the disc nucleus to come out of the annulus, it is known as a herniated disc. Inflammation is associated with adverse symptoms related to the stimulation of nerve fibers that may lead to pain. In the case of acute inflammation, blood vessels dilate, blood flow increases and white blood cells swarm the injured area to promote healing.

A disc bulge (commonly referred to as slipped disc), can potentially press against or irritate the nerve where it exits from the spine. This nerve pinch can cause back pain, spasms, cramping, numbness, pins and needles, or pain in your arms or legs.

What Causes a Bulging Disc?

Three common causes are:

  1. Degeneration – Result of daily wear and tear on the spine

  2. Injury – Sudden jerking movements can put too much pressure on the disc, causing the herniated disc, more specifically, of the neck: whiplash type injuries, of the lower back: lifting of heavy objects.

  3. Combination of degeneration and injury – spinal disc weakened by degeneration can make it more prone to herniation.


A bulging disc injury is suspected when your back pain is aggravated by:

  1. Sitting

  2. Forward bending

  3. Coughing or sneezing

  4. Lifting

  5. Altered sensations in your lower or upper limbs such as pins and needles, numbness.

Sciatica, leg pain, pins and needles, numbness or weakness are commonly associated with more severe disc pathologies. Authors have noted some degree of inflammation and irritation of the nerve root must exist to lead to the objective signs and symptoms of sciatica.


Dr  George Hardas, your university trained chiropractor may suspect a spinal disc injury based on the history of your injury and your symptom behavior. He will perform clinical tests to confirm a spinal disc injury and detect if you have any signs of nerve compression. The most accurate diagnostic tests to confirm the extent of your spinal disc injury are MRI and CT scans.


Most minor and moderately bulging disc injuries are treated conservatively without the need for surgery. In order to allow the torn fibers of the annulus to heal and the disc bulge to resolve fully.

Please remember that scar tissue formation will take at least six weeks, so the longer that you avoid aggravating postures the better!

Unfortunately, bulging disc injuries are usually not a quick fix. Most bulging disc injuries do take several weeks to settle.

They will also remain weak and vulnerable for at least six weeks, sometimes longer. However, the good news is that most bulging disc injuries will not remain painful for that time period – but some do – and these tend to be the disc injuries that are poorly managed in the early phase.

Dr Hardas also uses a technique taught at the Pain Management Research Institute, RNSH called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that helps suppress ongoing pain signals.

<![CDATA[Case Report 5-hip, lower leg pain, pins & needles]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/case-report-5-hip-lower-leg-pain-pins-needles5fd36e125d62e60017862859Tue, 21 Jan 2020 15:10:07 GMTGeorge Hardas[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Lower back pain is a commonly painful matter which disturbs the lowest segment of the spine. The lower back is the region which begins beneath the ribcage, and is generally referred to as the lumbar region. It is most often a result of impairment to the muscles or ligaments, either known as strains or sprains. Pain which occurs here tends to be more intense and is usually caused by fractures, poor posture, ruptured discs, incorrect lifting, and an absence of consistent exercise or arthritis can also be more serious such as autoimmune disease, infection or tumour. In regards to symptoms associated with lower back pain, pain in the lower back is the natural indication of the pain, however, some people may experience other symptoms which include; pain in their muscles and bones, their legs, or hips, as well as pins/needles and numbing sensations in their legs. Muscles spasms and joint dysfunction are also additional common signs of lower back pain.

At our clinic, Dr George Hardas individually and thoroughly assesses each patient with an initial history examination in order to determine the reasoning behind a patient’s pain, with a full examination being employed once confirmation for chiropractic treatment suitability has been determined.

This patient presented with (R) sided leg pain with referred pain to the (R) hip and (R) lower leg. The lumbar range of motion was painful in flexion at 15°, (R) lateral flexion, and (R) Kemp’s/Quadrant. The palpation of the (R) L4 paravertebral muscles were painful as well as soft tissue palpation in (R) piriformis and (R) biceps femoris. There was a slight limp detected. There was a cam lesion of the (R) femoral head shown in an MRI. Another MRI of the lumbar spine showed a mild right posterolateral disc protrusion at L4/5 causing mild canal stenosis and displacement of the (R) L5 nerve root in the lateral recess.

Cam impingement is also referred to as an impairment of the ball situated at the head of the femur. This impingement refers to – when the ball is not a sphere, it is more elongated, and the deformed section of the ball may become wedged in the socket as the hip is moved.

The patient’s outcome was based on the assessment and subsequent diagnosis and treatment based on clinical research by Dr. Hardas, retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

The patient was treated for specific joint biomechanics restoration. Treatment was using ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’ using the coping strategies as taught at the ‘Pain Management Research Institute’ – Royal North Shore Hospital. The outcome was marked an improvement from an initial numerical pain rating score of 7/10 down to 1/10. Also, a major reduction in the Paresthesia (abnormal feeling of the skin – tingling) of the (R) lower limb.


<![CDATA[Case Report Patient’s 4: – Post care spinal surgery]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/case-report-patient-s-4-post-care-spinal-surgery5fd36e1ad1660500175df698Fri, 23 Aug 2019 19:11:07 GMTGeorge HardasThe spine is a compound arrangement which is made up of bones known as vertebrae containing blood vessels, nerves, muscles, ligaments, and intervertebral discs, which enable both the stability and movement of the body. For some people, weakness of the lower back/ lumbar spine cannot be successfully managed through multiple, conservative treatment options, and so, back surgery becomes a last resort for treating one’s condition. A few of the most common spinal surgeries include; discectomy, foraminectomy, laminectomy, and spinal fusions. Depending on several factors, recovery will vary, and most of these range from a person’s health prior to surgery, to the specification of the procedure carried out. Recovery may take anywhere between a few weeks, to even at least a full year before an individual begins to feel active and well again.

Lower back pain has been graded as one of the greatest conditions worldwide, ranking in as the principal contributor to impairment. It has been noted that almost four million individuals within Australia endure lower back pain, with treatment prices amounting to an excess of one billion dollars per year. As quoted by the Associate Professor, Paulo Ferreira, a physiotherapy researcher from Sydney University’s Faculty of Health Sciences, “Medications are mostly ineffective, surgery usually does not offer a good outcome – the best treatment for low back pain is a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity. People need to get moving”.

We have had many patients post- lumbar surgery present to our clinic with pain originating from their original injury. Using Dr Hardas’ meticulous approach for diagnostics including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – these patients have had excellent outcomes of their presentation to minimal or even ceasing of their re-occurring symptoms.

The assessment and subsequent diagnosis and treatment is based on clinical research Dr. Hardas has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

<![CDATA[Case Report 3 – Child Care]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/case-report-3-child-care5fd36e1befcddf0017e98513Fri, 16 Aug 2019 13:52:00 GMTGeorge HardasThe C1 vertebrae, the initial vertebrae located in the spine, or also referred to as the “atlas” holds one of the most important roles as it acts as the main supporting platform for the spinal column, vertebral arteries, the skull, as well as maintains several connection points for muscles within the neck. This direct attachment allows for nodding motions and the side to side rotation of the head to be carried out through these neck muscles. Distinguishing this vertebral segment from the rest is foramen or ‘gaps in the bone’ which enable the arteries to make contact with the brain, providing it with blood flow. This, otherwise known as intervertebral disks, is not present in the separation of the C1 vertebrae, but instead, a synovial joint.

Our chiropractor, Dr Hardas will implement chiropractic care as a means of achieving a combination of pain reduction, improved motion and restoration to the function of both the neck region and head. Following a thorough physical examination and full review of patient medical, social, past and familial histories, as well as any test results. As seen in a recent patient case, presenting to our clinic, at the age of 10 was a young female who complained of back and neck pain, with associated headaches.

The assessment and subsequent diagnosis and treatment is based on clinical research Dr. Hardas has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

The outcome for this patient was a total ceasing of her spinal pain and headaches.

<![CDATA[Case Report Patient 2: – Lower Back Pain]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/case-report-patient-2-lower-back-pain5fd36e274343a30017c76b29Fri, 02 Aug 2019 14:10:39 GMTGeorge HardasLower back pain is a commonly painful matter which disturbs the lowest segment of the spine. The lower back is the region which begins beneath the ribcage, and is generally referred to as the lumbar region. It is most often a result of impairment to the muscles or ligaments, either known as strains or sprains. Pain which occurs here tends to be more intense and is usually caused by fractures, poor posture, ruptured discs, incorrect lifting, and an absence of consistent exercise or arthritis. In regards to symptoms associated with lower back pain, pain in the lower back is the natural indication of the pain, however, some people may experience other symptoms which include; pain in their muscles and bones, their legs, or hips, as well as pins/needles and numbing sensations in their legs. Muscles spasms and joint dysfunction are also additional common signs of lower back pain.

Dr George Hardas, the chiropractor at our clinic will undertake a patient history where certain information will be collected in order to determine the condition and its cause. For example, it will be necessary for him to ask questions in regards to the current symptoms of the patient, their level of activity, sleeping habits, as well as their posture. Following this, the physical examination and any additional tests will be carried out to establish the most effective treatment option.

Presenting to our clinic was an extremely acute patient who had intense lower back pain, due to mechanical origins. Her pain stemmed from an area of dysfunction located at the L4 vertebral segment (one of the lowest vertebrae located within the lumbar spine).

The assessment and subsequent diagnosis and treatment is based on clinical research Dr. Hardas has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

The outcome for this patient was a full recovery of her presenting signs and symptoms.

<![CDATA[Case Report Patient 1: – Chronic Neck Pain & Headaches]]>https://www.painassist.com.au/post/case-report-patient-1-chronic-neck-pain-headaches5fd36e283506d500174db52eFri, 19 Jul 2019 15:11:13 GMTGeorge HardasThe neck consists of what is called the seven ‘cervical vertebrae’, which contains several discs separating each vertebra. Pain in the neck can be a result of multiple sources, ranging from; the cervical spine and its surrounding tissues, muscles and ligaments; structures located in the neck such as lymph nodes, vessels, the thyroid gland, and the wind pipe; or, it can also be caused by functions which are not directly located within the neck, such as the heart, and this is identified as “referred” pain. Additionally, situations such as falls, injuries related to sport, motor vehicle accidents, aging, or poor posture are all linked to neck pain.

At our clinic, Dr George Hardas individually and thoroughly assesses each patient with an initial history examination in order to determine the reasoning behind a patient’s neck pain, with a full examination being employed once confirmation for chiropractic treatment suitability has been determined.

Case report 1: He was presented with a female patient who complained of chronic neck pain and headaches. This patient, at 30 years of age (15 years ago) was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a condition known to result in tenderness and pain throughout the muscular system of the entire body. They had visited numerous health services including; physiotherapists, neurologists, orthopaedic surgeons, acupuncturists, rheumatologists, and another chiropractor with a lack of relief/ positive, long term results. Treatment methods have ranged from simple recommendations such as yoga and Pilates to the Feldenkrais method, Alexander technique, craniosacral therapy, and Bowen technique.

After visiting our chiropractic clinic, Dr Hardas was able to diagnose specifically the cause of her presenting symptoms and apply the appropriate, specific interventions.

The assessment and subsequent diagnosis and treatment is based on clinical research Dr. Hardas has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

The outcome for this patient were excellent long term results in comparison to the other interventions had.
