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95 Year Old Female – Neck Treatment

George Hardas

Tebby, A. (2018). Advanced Chiropractic Care for Treating Neck and Back Pain. (Image). Tebby Chiropractic and Sports Medicine Clinic.

A Comprehensive Exploration of Neck Treatment for Enhanced Patient Outcomes


In the realm of contemporary healthcare, it is crucial to adopt an evidence-based approach to ensure the best possible outcomes for patients. This article delves into the case of a 95-year-old female patient who sought neck treatment due to her debilitating neck pain and inability to sleep comfortably. Through a meticulous analysis of her medical profile and a thorough examination, the patient was provided with an efficacious treatment plan, resulting in a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in her quality of life.

Patient Presentation and Medical Background

The patient in question, a nonagenarian female, presented with a chief complaint of a sore neck that precluded her from sleeping comfortably on either side. Her medical history included a hip replacement, and her current medications encompassed antihypertensives, heart medications, and anticoagulants.

Comprehensive Cervical Spine Assessment

A detailed cervical spine examination was conducted to determine the root cause of the patient’s neck pain. Lateral flexion on the left side elicited pain, while palpation of the left C2-C5 spinal segments also proved to be painful. Compression and distraction tests were deemed inapplicable for this case. Soft tissue palpation revealed increased muscle tone in the upper trapezius. The patient’s ambulation and Adam’s test demonstrated no abnormalities. Her pain was rated on the numerical pain rating scale, fluctuating between 5/10 and 8/10.

Expert Consultation and Evidenced-Based Approach

Dr. George Hardas, a distinguished chiropractic consultant, conducted the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the patient, drawing upon his extensive experience and knowledge acquired from reputable institutions such as the Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH), Pain Management Research Institute (PMRI), Orthopedic Research Institute – St George Hospital (ORI), as well as presentations to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), Sports Medicine Australia (SMA), and Chiropractic and Osteopathic College Australia (COCA).

Implementation of Chiropractic Treatment

Upon commencing chiropractic treatment, the patient experienced a remarkable improvement in her neck pain, with her numerical pain rating score diminishing from a high of 8/10 to a manageable 2/10.

The Multifaceted Benefits of Neck Treatment

The successful resolution of the patient’s neck pain and sleep issues serves as an exemplar of the potential multifaceted benefits that can be achieved through the proper administration of neck treatment. In addition to experiencing a significant decrease in pain levels, the patient reaped numerous other advantages that collectively contributed to an overall enhancement of her quality of life.

  1. Improved Sleep Quality: As a result of the effective neck treatment, the patient was able to achieve a comfortable sleeping position, which subsequently led to better sleep quality. Adequate sleep is crucial for overall health and well-being, contributing to optimal cognitive function, emotional regulation, and immune system support.

  2. Increased Range of Motion: The alleviation of neck pain facilitated an increased range of motion for the patient. This improvement allowed her to perform daily tasks and engage in activities with greater ease, enhancing her autonomy and independence.

  3. Reduced Risk of Complications: By addressing the root cause of the patient’s neck pain, chiropractic treatment minimized the risk of potential complications, such as further musculoskeletal issues or the development of chronic pain.

  4. Enhanced Mental Well-being: The mitigation of the patient’s neck pain, coupled with improved sleep and increased autonomy, likely contributed to an enhancement of her mental well-being. Chronic pain can take a significant toll on an individual’s psychological state, exacerbating stress, anxiety, and depression.

  5. Promotion of Holistic Health: The patient’s journey to a pain-free state underscores the importance of a holistic approach to healthcare. By considering her entire medical history and employing evidence-based practices, the chiropractic treatment not only addressed her immediate concerns but also promoted her overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, the successful neck treatment administered to the patient, in this case, study not only alleviated her primary complaint of neck pain but also provided a myriad of additional benefits that contributed to an enhanced quality of life. This case serves as a powerful reminder of the potential positive impact that appropriate neck treatment can have on an individual’s physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.


This case study underscores the importance of adopting a highly educated, evidence-based approach to neck treatment for optimal patient outcomes. By conducting a thorough assessment, employing an expert consultant, and implementing an effective treatment plan, the patient experienced a significant reduction in pain and an improvement in her quality of life. The success of this case serves as a testament to the value of rigorous methodologies and the continuous pursuit of knowledge in the field of chiropractic care and neck treatment.

The assessments and subsequent diagnosis and treatments conducted by Dr. Hardas are based on clinical research that he has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).

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