figure (a) figure (b)
Rosenberg view (posterior-anterior) of weight bearing radiographs of figure (a) in full extension showing generalised degenerative changes and figure (b) in 30 degrees of flexion showing specifically marked degenerative changes in the lateral tibio-femoral compartment (1).
The maximum stresses in the knee joint occur between 30 and 60 degrees of flexion; therefore, standard anteroposterior weight-bearing radiographs on extension are not ideal for evaluation of cartilage loss as indicated by joint space narrowing. The Rosenberg view was created to address this issue. The Rosenberg view is more sensitive and specific for joint space narrowing than the conventional extension weight-bearing anteroposterior views, and is useful for the assessment of knees with early degenerative change.
J Bone Joint Surg [Br]. 1999;81-B:632-5. Received 24 November 1998; Accepted after revision 28 January 1999