The spine is a compound arrangement which is made up of bones known as vertebrae containing blood vessels, nerves, muscles, ligaments, and intervertebral discs, which enable both the stability and movement of the body. For some people, weakness of the lower back/ lumbar spine cannot be successfully managed through multiple, conservative treatment options, and so, back surgery becomes a last resort for treating one’s condition. A few of the most common spinal surgeries include; discectomy, foraminectomy, laminectomy, and spinal fusions. Depending on several factors, recovery will vary, and most of these range from a person’s health prior to surgery, to the specification of the procedure carried out. Recovery may take anywhere between a few weeks, to even at least a full year before an individual begins to feel active and well again.
Lower back pain has been graded as one of the greatest conditions worldwide, ranking in as the principal contributor to impairment. It has been noted that almost four million individuals within Australia endure lower back pain, with treatment prices amounting to an excess of one billion dollars per year. As quoted by the Associate Professor, Paulo Ferreira, a physiotherapy researcher from Sydney University’s Faculty of Health Sciences, “Medications are mostly ineffective, surgery usually does not offer a good outcome – the best treatment for low back pain is a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity. People need to get moving”.
We have had many patients post- lumbar surgery present to our clinic with pain originating from their original injury. Using Dr Hardas’ meticulous approach for diagnostics including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – these patients have had excellent outcomes of their presentation to minimal or even ceasing of their re-occurring symptoms.
The assessment and subsequent diagnosis and treatment is based on clinical research Dr. Hardas has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).