OSR. 2018. Children and Chiropractic. Photograph, https://oahuspineandrehab.com/children-and-chiropractic/.
We all know that childhood years are crucial to our development, and if problems are not resolved then we often carry them through life. It is not normal for children to have headaches, constant ear infections and allergies or growing pains, nor are they likely to grow out of them.
Spinal injury can begin from the forces and stresses of birth, especially if forceps or suction are used. Falls from prams and highchairs, tumbles down steps, constant bumps to the head and bottom whilst learning to walk, falls out of trampolines, sporting and car accidents all contribute to accumulated stress on the framework of a child’s body, contributing to damage and imbalance of spinal and other joints, ligaments, and muscles. Clinical experience, backed by an increasing amount of scientific research has shown that a wide variety of childhood problems may respond to Chiropractic treatment. These include:
Ear infections
Learning difficulties
Visual problems
Recurrent throat infections
Digestive disorders
The assessments and subsequent diagnosis and treatments conducted by Dr. Hardas are based on clinical research that he has retained from RNSH (Royal North Shore Hospital), PMRI (Pain Management Research Institute), ORI (Orthopaedic Research Institute – St George Hospital) and presentations to AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons), SMA (Sports Medicine Australia) and COCA (Chiropractic and Osteopathic Collage Australia).